HOA Musings, Ramblings and Info

About Us

I’ve been working with common interest developments as they are called in California (and HOAs are they’re universally called), since 1996.  In that time I’ve seen quite a bit, learned quite a bit and taught more than my share of board members, community managers and industry professionals.

Before starting in this industry I received mediation training and as a result apply more of a common sense, resolution based approach to many HOA related issues.  I firmly believe that the more all of us know, the better our entire industry will be.  To this end I created this website many years ago and have wiped it and re-created it in its present form.

My hope is that I can offer useful tips and hints for associations and hopefully spark discussions and information sharing that will make our entire industry better off.

Thank you for joining me!  Please join in the discussion and share your thoughts, comments, tips or hints.

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